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A Focused Mind - Part 1

To advance the understanding of your field, you must tackle the relevant topics systematically, following your converging rays of attention to uncover the latent truth in each.

Complete Control Over Your Schedule Comes at a Cost - Not Worth Paying

An idea that is propagated by the so-called self-gurus nowadays is of being a digital nomad. The idea of having complete control over your schedule. You should be the one in control of your time. You should be able to work whenever you want, from wherever you want, take holidays when you need and be beholden to nobody. This is a naïve idea and the price you pay for being a ‘digital nomad’ is not worth it.

Survivorship Bias and LinkedIn Success Stories

In conclusion, the vast number of books and videos on success should make you sceptical as the unsuccessful don't write books or give lectures on their failures.

A Highly Instrumental World

Moments before writing this article, I asked my brother, "What is the meaning of 'time well spent (referring to leisure time)?'" He replied, "To do something useful. Something that benefits you." This is where the problem lies.

Importance of Taking Time Off Work

Taking off from work is seen as a trait of for losers. Some even put forward the question, “Why do you need to take off from work when you truly love your job and life?”. Some view it as a form escapism. There is a lot of taboo on taking time off.